Na prośbę rumuńskiego punktu kontaktowego poniżej przedstawiamy informację nt. stowarzyszenia Bucharest-Ilfov Intercommunity Development Association, zainteresowanego podjęciem współpracy w ramach Interreg Europa.
A Romanian benecifiary is looking to join projects under the following topics: natural and cultural heritage, air pollution/quality, traffic congestion, mobility within a metropolitan area, energy efficiency, renewable energy, water management. If you have potential interested partners who work on the same topics, please send this e-mail trough to them and let them contact directly the Romanian counter-part. Attached, you will find a short presentation and the contact details.
Dane kontaktowe:
Dan Bălănescu
Serviciul Autorități Naționale pentru Programe Europene
Direcția Generală Cooperare Teritorială Europeană
Ministerul Dezvoltării Regionale, Administrației Publice și Fondurilor Europene
Bvd. Libertății, nr. 16, sector 5, București
tel: +40372 111 369
mob: +40757 577 249
fax: +40372 111 456