Na prośbę Rumuńskiego Stowarzyszenia Transferu Technologii i Innowacji poniżej przedstawiamy informację otrzymaną od tej instytucji. Stowarzyszenie jest zainteresowane podjęciem współpracy w ramach Programu Interreg Europa. Szczegółowe informacje nt. Stowarzyszenia znajdują się w załączniku.
ARoTT - Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation, is a National NGO with experience in European Projects (Interreg VA - cross-border Romania - Bulgaria, and IPA, Romania - Serbia, Interreg Danube as Associated Strategic Partner for EcoInn project, FP7/Horizon 2020, CIVITAS, etc). We are located in Craiova, Romania, near the border with Bulgaria and Serbia.
We have realise the ROSEB Initiative, in the field of tourism (Romania-Serbia-Bulgaria) with more than 100 partners (ministries for tourism, local administration, tourism operators, county administration, companies, associations). It is an initiative not a NGO / juridical personality.
We are interested to develop mutually beneficial longterm collaborations in order to take advantage of the forthcoming Interreg Europe call.
Our main focus of activities falls within the following sectors (but not limited to them): innovation, business environment, technology transfer, competitivness, tourism, health, start-ups, entrepreneurship, social innovations, bio-economy, youth, etc.
We believe that with our experience and know-how we can contribute constructively to a consortium of partners and are open to any such collaborations.
We are interested to colaborate under internationales projects.