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Herb Województwa PodkarpackiegoFlaga Unii Europejskiej. Niebieskie tło z dwunastoma gwiazdkami w kolorze złotym


Bułgarska Agencja Promocji MŚP jest zainteresowana podjęciem współpracy w ramach Interreg Europa. Więcej informacji poniżej oraz w załączonej prezentacji.


Dane do kontaktu:

Vladimir Minev

Bulgarian SME Promotion Agency

phone: +3592 940 7936

mobile: +359 898 771 952






On behalf of the Bulgarian SME Promotion Agency (BSMEPA) I would like to express in general our readiness to participate in the development and implementation of the project according to your email to the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development, the NCP of INTERREG 2014-2020 Programme. Our agency is the National authority responsible for SMEs development and support for clusters in Bulgaria. Our superior is the Ministry of Economy, which provides national and EFRD funding for our activities. I have attached a short presentation of the agency plus some traditional industries in Bulgaria. We are the main organizer in Bulgaria of training, business/trade missions and companies participation at international trade exhibitions abroad. From January 2017 we are responsible for business clusters categorization in Bulgaria. It is the first level of assessment before they can apply for grants under the Operational Programme Innovations and Competitiveness, run by our Ministry.

In the previous programming period BSMEPA accumulated a significant knowledge and experience as one of the 25 partner organizations in the ClusterPoliSEE project, funded by South East Europe Programme. If you are interested in the inclusion of our agency in the new partnership we can exchange ideas and more information.

Waiting to hearing from you soon,

Kind regards

Vladimir Minev

International project team manager


Vladimir Minev

Bulgarian SME Promotion Agency

phone: +3592 940 7936

mobile: +359 898 771 952



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