Logo Europejskiej Współpracy Terytorialnej

Herb Województwa PodkarpackiegoFlaga Unii Europejskiej. Niebieskie tło z dwunastoma gwiazdkami w kolorze złotym



Szanowni Państwo,

W związku z trwającym naborem w programie Interreg Europa Środkowa włoska instytucja, poszukuje polskiego partnera do projektu. Opis propozycji współpracy w języku angielskim poniżej. Projekt będzie ubiegał się o dofinansowanie w 1. naborze programu.

W przypadku zainteresowania projektem proszę się bezpośrednio kontaktować z Panem Massimo Caccia (kontakt w języku angielskim).


Massimo Caccia Director


Via G. Amendola 122 D/O

70126 Bari, Italy

Phone (mobile): +39-3665680482

Phone (office): +39-0805929420

Fax: +39-0805929460

e-mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.

Skype: max.caccia

web: www.issia.cnr.it


Opis propozycji współpracy:

Please find in the following a short description of the project idea that we would like to submit in the upcoming call (deadline April 13) INTERREG Central Europe.

Currently the partnership is Italian and Croatian with public authorities and technology developers on both sides:

- Italy

Leading Partner: Institute of Studies on Intelligent Systems for Automation of the Italian National Research Council (www.issia.cnr.it): robotics & technology development;

Partner: Regione Liguria: regional authority (office for water management) (www.regione.liguria.it)

Partner: CIMA Foundation (www.cimafoundation.org): hydrology & modeling

- Croatia

Partner: University of Zagreb- LabUST (http://www.fer.unizg.hr/zari/labust/): robotics & technology development

Partner: Hrvatske Vode - Croatian Waters (http://www.voda.hr/en): national authority for water management

Through CIMA Foundation we have had a preliminary contact with the Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW) (http://www.imgw.pl).: hidrology & modeling

As you certainly know recently the EC published a new technical report (2015/086), Guidance n. 31 titled “Ecological flows in the implementation of the Water Framework directive” (e-flow) that modifies the concept of Minimum Vital Flow (MVF) recognizing the importance of the entire flow regime on the environmental status of a water body.

The guidance suggests criteria to evaluate e-flow and illustrates application of the criteria in a set of case studies but does not give a methodology that can be applied directly in our territorial context. The guidance does not evaluate the socio-economic impact that the application of such an environmental protection constraint has on water use.

Now our legislation imposes only the respect of MVF, that is far less constraining on users.

We would like tackle the issue of applying the new guidance on e-flow, within the Central Europe call, in a project that takes into consideration both the technical and governance points of view so to develop sound and sustainable application rules.

The project will focus on the general issue of developing innovative technological tools in order to reduce conflicts between environmental and socio-economical needs. The main interest for Regione Liguria is related to water permits and e-flow. If you have any other specific interest based on the application of the Water Framework directive, please do not hesitate to propose your issue.

There are three core lines of action we would like to develop within the project:

1) Implementing/developing better surveying tools using the latest technological supports such as Unmanned Aerial vehicles and small vessels (drones) to make surveying faster, better integrated with GIS platforms and modeling tools and economically sustainable for extensive application at regional scale;

2) Integrating hydro-morphologic indexes correlated with ecological/ecological status within water balance modeling so to support evaluation of impact of different flow regimes on ecological status and decision making;

3) Identify a common methodology that can be applied to different European countries and environments in the context of the common EU directives and different regional/national constrains taking into account also the socio-economic impact that the application of e-flow would have on a set of test cases.

We would like to add to the Consortium at least one public authority and one research partner (hydro or ecology expert would be fine) from Poland. Please could you support us in finding these partners?

We are available for any question and further detail might be needed to confirm interest in joining the partnership.


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