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Herb Województwa PodkarpackiegoFlaga Unii Europejskiej. Niebieskie tło z dwunastoma gwiazdkami w kolorze złotym




Za pośrednictwem Krajowego Punktu Kontaktowego Interreg Europa, na prośbę hiszpańskiego European Business Center of Cartagena, poniżej przedstawiamy krótką informację o partnerze. Centrum współpracuje z władzami regionalnymi Murcji oraz miastem Kartagena i  jest zainteresowane współpracą w ramach Interreg Europa, w obszarze wspierania przedsiębiorczości.

‘The “Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación Cartagena” (Business and Innovation Centre Cartagena), from now on CEEIC, has converted into a reference point for entrepreneurs all over the Murcia Region, especially the Cartagena municipality. Together with the Regional Government and in collaboration with the distinct economic and social agents that provide support to the Region’s entrepreneurs, CEEIC develops an intense work in order to offer an integral service of entrepreneurial support.

Own ideas for EU projects:

- Develop tools to support the innovation management through, for example, technological diagnosis models, guidelines for the innovation management and models of projects planning in new products development.

- Training in commercial skills of managers of technology companies, advising them in negotiation skills with capitalist partners, modalities trading-partners agreement and confidentiality agreement, and assist in effective marketing and sale of their know-how and technological advances.’

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