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Zamieszczamy poniżej propozycję współpracy w ramach programu Interreg Europa, otrzymaną od włoskiego partnera (region Potenza).

We are searching partners with competences on the themes of EU LOW CARBON strategies.

We are going to finalize the partnership in 1 week and we will asses positively the opportunity to involve a norther EU Partner in our scope.

you can find a synthetic description of the project.


Due to its geographical exposure and levels of spending on energy the Province of Potenza in the Southern Italian Basilicata Region has been long very active in developing and implementing an integrated approach tackling climate change. The Province is committed to test and introduce initiatives promoted by the European Community and the United Nations. The Province led a successful previous INTERREG IVC project called RENERGY - Regional Strategies for Energy Conscious Communities, which ended in Dec 2014. One of the focal areas of RENERGY was emphasizing the role of local/regional governance bodies in developing/implementing sustainable energy policies and furnish these bodies with sufficient competences, powers & knowledge.

In this thematic area the challenge to involve and motivate stakeholders (regarding especially energy consumers) is perceived broadly as a major problem for public authorities. In fact, motivation and awareness of consumers are of high significance to influence their behavior and support more conscious energy decisions. In RENERGY, some bottom-up initiatives supporting end users behavior change could have been explored only to a limited extent, therefore the Province intended to examine further this topic through interregional cooperation. Partners facing comparable challenges were sought through various channels with specific attention to the changed partner requirements of the new Interreg Europe Programme. From the RENERGY partnership Durham County Council and Kaunas University of Technology expressed their interest in participation, nevertheless the majority of LOCARBO partners are new. A key issue in developing the partnership was the relevance of a Structural Funds measure at each partner that needs be addressed during this new project together with the capacity of the partner to influence the measure. Furthermore, partners with complementary experience were looked for to secure meaningful content for the experience exchange. As part of building the partnership partners provided inputs on their current situation and the relevance of the project idea. It was jointly decided that the thematic focus would be narrowed down to the built environment since it is relevant for all and significant improvements are envisaged in the respective operational programmes in this field.


Dott. Ing. Francesco Scorza, Ph.D.

Ingegnere ambientale / Environmental Engineer

Research Fellow @ University of Basilicata School of Engineering - Laboratory of Urban and Regional Systems Engineering (LISUT) Viale dell'Ateneo Lucano 10 - 85100 Potenza (Italy)

Funder @ Redo S.r.l.

Piazza della Costituzione Italiana, 64

85100 Potenza (Italy)

cell: (+39).347.7001363

fax: (+39).0971.11838311

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Skype: francescoscorza


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